global leadership development program

global leadership development program

I led a project with an international hotelier to design and deliver an online cohort learning program for its frontline managers. The program aimed to improve the retention, engagement, and performance of the frontline staff by developing their leadership skills and culture.


The hotel chain faced several challenges in developing its frontline leaders. 

  1. The current program could not be scaled quickly and was housed on a platform that no long provided support.
  2. The organization operated in over 130 countries across 32 different brands, which meant that the frontline leaders had diverse backgrounds, needs, and expectations. 
  3. There was a high turnover rate among its frontline staff, which affected its customer service and reputation. 
  4. Their leadership philosophy emphasized leadership as an action rather than a title, which required a shift in mindset and behavior for the frontline leaders.


I developed an online cohort learning program that consisted of the following components:
  • Two frontline leader programs: These were two separate programs that targeted different levels of frontline managers. The first program was for new or aspiring frontline managers who wanted to learn the basics of leadership and management. The second program was for experienced frontline managers who wanted to enhance their leadership and coaching skills.
  • A cohort-based learning model: This was a learning model that grouped the frontline managers into small cohorts who shared similar roles, goals, and challenges. The cohorts met regularly via Zoom to discuss, collaborate, and support each other on various topics related to leadership and culture.
  • A cohort learning platform: This was a platform that facilitated the cohort-based learning model and provided various features and tools for the participants. The platform enabled the participants to access the curriculum, assignments, resources, feedback, and progress reports. The platform also enabled the participants to interact with each other, their facilitators, and their mentors through chats, forums, polls, and surveys.

My Role

I was responsible for the following roles:

  • Content Architect: I mapped out the content for the live sessions and the eLearning modules for the platform, and ensured they were accurate, relevant, and engaging.
  • Learning Strategist: I suggested tools, methods, and content strategies for delivering the program to optimize learner experience and satisfaction on the cohort learning platform.
  • Platform Expert: I configured and customized the cohort learning platform to support the cohort-based learning model, and integrated various tools such as Zoom, eLearning modules, videos, etc.
  • Project Manager: I managed the project scope, timeline, budget, and resources, and coordinated with the hotel chain’s stakeholders in an extremely truncated timeframe.
  • Evaluation Specialist: I evaluated the effectiveness and impact of the program, and collected and analyzed various metrics and feedback from the participants, the facilitators, the mentors, and the hotel chain’s stakeholders.


The program improved the retention, engagement, and performance of the frontline staff by developing their leadership skills and culture, by creating a community of frontline leaders who learned from and supported each other in their work. The program also aligned with the hotel chain’s leadership philosophy that leadership is an action rather than a title, by providing continuous learning opportunities throughout their employment journey.